
It is not uncommon for websites you come across, especially on the more personal side, to have an “About” page of some sort. What they are and what they communicate are as varied as the sites themselves. I’m working on an About page if you want to know a bit more about the person behind this site.

What I wrestled with when coming back to this site was the Why of it. This is in no small part due to a dear friend of mine.

So much of what I do now involves helping stakeholders define “the what” of something and then help the people who make or do the thing finish it well.

What is the why and how to finish the what really held me in check from coming back to the site for a long time. But then I found myself at the point where I didn’t care what the how’s were anymore. There was the heartbeat of a why I simply couldn’t ignore.

It is a drastic oversimplification, but when I think of the why for coming back and (re)starting again I think of a line from The West Wing when President Bartlett tells Leo: “I want to speak.” There is a lot of story wrapped up in that line at that time. I won’t begin to presume that my speaking here begins to think about matching the context of that quote. But for a lack of any other articulation, that is it – I want to speak.

I will go to a concert and see the heart and feel the passion, and I will want to share part of what caught me.

I will have a conversation with someone that pricks my heart or turns on the lightbulb in my mind, and I will wonder how many more people will think those things or feel those feelings, and wonder if they might need to hear they aren’t the only ones.

Someone who stops by will think this site will wonder why it’s even here, others that it’s awesome.

Someone will read a post and think it’s amazing, but won’t understand why I wrote anything else that’s here.

I’ve been both at times.

But I want to speak in case anyone needs to listen. And if it just an audience of one, writing is one of the most therapeutic things I’ve done.

So that’s it. I’m glad you’ve found your way here. And Lord willing something you read here has encouraged you or piqued your interest or so on.

There is one last sentiment I want to convey and my first articulation or two of it were lacking. But the foundational layer of everything here is Jesus. I make no claims to be the authority on just about anything. One of my first considerations of an articulation of this was along the lines of, “you’ll read the wrestlings of a man trying to walk out his life in faith…” And that is true. But there is more to it than that.

I’m just a guy from central Alabama who wants to talk about stuff. The beginning and end of all things is Jesus. And even if He isn’t the subject of everything here, He is the atmosphere for everything here. I won’t ever try to oversell the bad, but I’m also not going to try overhype the good. I want to be honest, and in doing so I won’t always be the best witness for Jesus. I’m not making an excuse there, I’m just speaking from experience. What I can tell you is that it will be my intention in all things here is at the end of all things to look, and likewise point you, to Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith.

“For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus…” 1 Timothy 2:5