On the edge of beautiful change

Warning: Sappy dad post below.

FYI: I’m not even sorry.

My dear oldest child finds out about her acceptance to the school of her first choice in two days.

In a little over two months she will graduate high school and head to a different continent for her senior trip.

Somewhere around August she will move away from home, likely much father than I’m comfortable with, and into her college dorm to start a new and amazing season of life.

Between all that we will travel across the country as she and her debater partner compete in this year’s national competition.

I swear she is still 10 years old.

Parenthood is … an adventure. It is a joy and it is exhausting. It is a gift and it is confusing. It makes you feel larger than life and completely incapable. And I was blessed to be the father of one of the most remarkable people I know.

I’m still in awe of who she is.

I’m terrified for me of this next season. But I truly am so excited for her.

I see reflections of both Lis and I in all the kids. For those reflections of me, sometimes they are things I’m happier to see than others. But thankfully there are “balconies and basements” as work would call them to almost all of those traits.

But that young woman is tenacious to be sure. And it is something I have seen her work to make the most of. Sometimes it is used against me which is less than desirable. (But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t proud at the same time.) But she has earned every bit of where she finds herself on this precipice in life.

Change the world, Kid. I’ve never had any doubt you would. I’m just glad I’ve been blessed to watch your journey.






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