Once more with the best of intentions

We are going to try this NaNoWriMo thing again this year.

Not much about the why of this has changed. Nor have a number of the hurdles or struggles. But the intention isn’t going to become reality without a plan. So let’s try again.

To start this month I opted to take a look at where I was at this time last year. Looking over the “Write for a Month” post last year, two big things catch my eye – my role at work and the overall battle with stress paralysis.

The retrospect is useful because I feel like I’m in a better spot in relation to both areas. That said one of the areas has seen a significant change.

My role at work was the significant change as over this past summer in that I took on a new one. I loved being a scrum master. There are days I really, really miss being a scrum master. But an opportunity was presented that I needed to take in this season. I’ll talk more about that in another post sometime this month. But suffice to say any change to work will bring with it significant overall life change. But even before that, I feel like I had found a much improved rhythm in my previous role by the time the change came last summer.

I also feel like things have seen improvement when it comes to stress paralysis this year. When writing last year I mentioned the stress paralysis specific to the site. But it is something that would show up across areas and throughout seasons. As I’m sure will be unsurprising to many, I once again found truth in something Lisa has told me for … a while. It seems I have some measure of ADD or ADHD. It took me hearing someone talk about their diagnosis journey on a podcast for me to go, “Okay, I get it now.” To her significant credit, Lisa was gentle with her “I told you so.” But that realization has helped me in how I approach various tasks and projects, and with it helping me better address stress paralysis.

So I’m here again. The why remains. Essentially the plan remains. And I feel like I have a better understanding of my surroundings. With that I’m optimistic that I can manage more than four entries this month.

Writing Day 1, Version 2022 – Complete






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