Finished on Saturday, March 30, 2019.
Why this book?
It was a recommendation on a Sports Edition of The Happy Rant Podcast. I have been intrigued by a lot of their recommendations and I enjoyed the other projects by Michael Lewis I have engaged with.
Rating: strong 4/5
I learned…
the world has changed for all of us, and probably a lot more than we have realized. That doesn’t mean that we have to change. But we do have to acknowledge the world we live in now and from there consider how we are going to approach it.
I would recommend this book for…
honestly almost all of the men in my life. If not a coach, I don’t think it too far a reach to think most of us have had a mentor in our life who, while not every memory we have of them is a fond one for any number of reasons, we wouldn’t trade our relationship with them or their impact on our life for anything. This book prompted memories of those mentors, consideration and appreciation for the effort they put forth, and a consideration of the questions, “Am I the man I want to be?”, and, “Am I the man they saw that I could be?”
If you’re interested, you can buy here.
p.s. This post has been in Draft in Ulysses for a long minute. It was pre-dated accordingly when posting.
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