“Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done” by Jon Acuff

Finished on Feb 25, 2019 11:45 am

Why this book?
The answer to this is more than a little ironic. But I know how to start things – including books – but I struggle to feel like I finish things. There are plenty of things in my life that I can mark complete, but I always feel like there are a million dangling threads.

I have always enjoyed Acuff’s style dating back to the satirical “Stuff Christians Like”. As he has moved more into the productivity, get stuff done realms I have enjoyed his what I would call “everyman” sensibility to it.

I have battled with feeling like I can’t quite finish things. I want to start reading more more consistently. Felt like a two birds, one stone type situation.

I have been a junior college night school student of “productivity” for years. I’ve read/listened to books, read articles, fiddled with apps and systems, listened to podcasts. Thought adding Mr. Acuff’s thoughts on the matter was a good addition to the repository.

Rating: 3 1/2

I learned…
to finish. I kid. I learned that starting something means you don’t have to finish it. I don’t mean that flippantly, I’m no where near saying to not be a man of your word. I’m very much thinking about these task list idea, sticky notes all over your notebook, spur of the moment “ooh, what about…” ideas that come along throughout the day. I have this absolutely useless – and sometimes dangerous – contract with myself that if I have an idea I have to finish the thing. And even if I don’t finish the thing that I have to remember the thing. Not so.

I would recommend this book for…
people who have an inbox or task list with things from a year ago that they can’t remember exactly why they put them there.

If you’re interested, you can buy here.

p.s. This post has been in Draft in Ulysses for a long minute. It was pre-dated accordingly when posting.






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