• One Year

    Today has to be the most unexpected anniversary I never thought I’d celebrate. A year ago today Maggie was sent to the ER from an Urgent Care because after multiple visits they weren’t able to do more for her. What seemed like a severe sinus infection turned into something far more severe. I still remember…

  • On the edge of beautiful change

    Warning: Sappy dad post below. FYI: I’m not even sorry. My dear oldest child finds out about her acceptance to the school of her first choice in two days. In a little over two months she will graduate high school and head to a different continent for her senior trip. Somewhere around August she will…

  • Coaching Youth Soccer: A Retrospective

    All three of my children have played youth soccer at some point. I have participated in the coaching of all three of them at some point. Because of circumstances that will make sense momentarily, this Fall was the most interesting. If I had the opportunity to do it over again, I would gladly take the…

  • They are growing up, but they aren’t grown yet

    Seth is attending his first youth camp this Weekend. He has been so excited about this since the opportunity came up. He was battling the flu last weekend and one of the main things on his mind was recovery in time to be able to attend the Weekend. But as we got closer to the…

  • Note to self: Change your first reaction

    I’ve been an adherent to various parts of David Allen’s GTD system for a while now. Which parts and how much have varied. But no matter how different the parts of the system are used in my life, the one constant that remains is the Inbox. I’ve had different Inboxes, but this sentiment is one…

  • Once more with the best of intentions

    We are going to try this NaNoWriMo thing again this year. Not much about the why of this has changed. Nor have a number of the hurdles or struggles. But the intention isn’t going to become reality without a plan. So let’s try again. To start this month I opted to take a look at…

  • “Steal Like An Artist” by Austin Kleon

    Finished on Monday, February 14, 2022 Why this book? This book has come up a few different times in a few different mediums I consume – podcast, blogs, etc. In the end I found myself watching a video of Austin Kleon and ended up going, “Okay. It’s time to read his book(s).” (If you’ll note…

  • Planning is good, priority is better

    Well I had a plan. And I was finding a roll. Then I had a busy day. And a day turned into days. It’s easy to lose momentum. It can be difficult to get it back. Habits and Routines are things that come up, really across all areas of my life at different times. Obviously…

  • Refinding Rhythm

    I’ve had some version of a Daily Routine for a while. It has taken different forms, utilized different apps and tools, used parts or even the whole of various systems. But it has served me well for a long time. Somewhere this year I just lost the traction of it. One thing I’m still realizing…

  • State of the PKM Journey

    Earlier this year I wrote about my onramp to Personal Knowledge Management. As acknowledged in that post, personal knowledge management is something I have been fascinated by as well as engaged in for years. I just didn’t necessarily know it had that title. That specific onramp saw me venture down roads to a few different…